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0000048015 00000 n 0000013057 00000 n The secular worldview prioritizes the scientific method as an explanatory framework for life and advances a rational and materialistic view of the world. The impact of using the ViewFinder is profound. Practicing Christians find the claims of New Spirituality among the most enticing, perhaps because it holds a positive view of religion, emphasizes the supernatural and simultaneously feeds into a growing dissatisfaction with institutions. What are these benefits worth to you, your family, or your organization? Compelled by a larger story or metanarrative about the world, Christians are more inclined to defend objective truth, but are somewhat sympathetic to the postmodern insistence that capital T truth claims lead to oppression. That worldview begins developing at 15 months of age and is pretty much completely developed by 13 years of age. However, that meant that even among born again Christians, less than one out of every five (19%) had such an outlook on life. Does PEERS Testing provide summary results for special profiles? If you'd like more information about our speakers and their schedules, get in touch! Do You Actually Have a Biblical Worldview? - NC Family Policy Council months[10]="October"; Latest Surveys Show a Worldview of Difference The increase in those with no religious affiliation suggests that assimilation into American culture increasingly means assimilation into secularism. Younger adults and city-dwellers also have materialistic inclinations; Millennials and Gen-Xers (34% and 32%, respectively) are three times as likely to strongly agree with this premise than Boomers and Elders (10% and 11%, respectively), and those who live in cities (31%) are twice as likely as their suburban or rural counterparts (14%). As weve studied childrens ministries, what we find is that that biblical worldview development aspect is not on the agenda of churches either. The Viewfinder will help you increase unity, lower attrition, encourage team engagement, and function as a discussion starter for staff. For instance, almost three in 10 (28%) practicing Christians strongly agree that all people pray to the same god or spirit, no matter what name they use for that spiritual being. Further, the belief that meaning and purpose come from becoming one with all that is has captured the minds of more than one-quarter of practicing Christians (27%).

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