determination of acceleration due to gravity by compound pendulumisabel refugee conflict

In the experiment the acceleration due to gravity was measured using the rigid pendulum method. Learning Objectives State the forces that act on a simple pendulum Determine the angular frequency, frequency, and period of a simple pendulum in terms of the length of the pendulum and the acceleration due to gravity Define the period for a physical pendulum Define the period for a torsional pendulum Pendulums are in common usage. Find the positions before and mark them on the rod.To determine the period, measure the total time of 100 swings of the pendulum. Like the force constant of the system of a block and a spring, the larger the torsion constant, the shorter the period. The angular frequency is, \[\omega = \sqrt{\frac{mgL}{I}} \ldotp \label{15.20}\], \[T = 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{I}{mgL}} \ldotp \label{15.21}\]. /Parent 2 0 R A solid body was mounted upon a horizontal axis so as to vibrate under the force of gravity in a . Discussion and calculations of compound pendulum due to gravity The period, \(T\), of a pendulum of length \(L\) undergoing simple harmonic motion is given by: \[\begin{aligned} T=2\pi \sqrt {\frac{L}{g}}\end{aligned}\]. << Often the reduced pendulum length cannot be determined with the desired precision if the precise determination of the moment of inertia or of the center of gravity are difficult. Therefore the length H of the pendulum is: $$ H = 2L = 5.96 \: m $$, Find the moment of inertia for the CM: $$I_{CM} = \int x^{2} dm = \int_{- \frac{L}{2}}^{+ \frac{L}{2}} x^{2} \lambda dx = \lambda \Bigg[ \frac{x^{3}}{3} \Bigg]_{- \frac{L}{2}}^{+ \frac{L}{2}} = \lambda \frac{2L^{3}}{24} = \left(\dfrac{M}{L}\right) \frac{2L^{3}}{24} = \frac{1}{12} ML^{2} \ldotp$$, Calculate the torsion constant using the equation for the period: $$\begin{split} T & = 2 \pi \sqrt{\frac{I}{\kappa}}; \\ \kappa & = I \left(\dfrac{2 \pi}{T}\right)^{2} = \left(\dfrac{1}{12} ML^{2}\right) \left(\dfrac{2 \pi}{T}\right)^{2}; \\ & = \Big[ \frac{1}{12} (4.00\; kg)(0.30\; m)^{2} \Big] \left(\dfrac{2 \pi}{0.50\; s}\right)^{2} = 4.73\; N\; \cdotp m \ldotp \end{split}$$.

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determination of acceleration due to gravity by compound pendulum