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Unfortunately, there werent any other voices of wisdom in their lives to require them to come home, to heal, to get the ship out of the water in order to repair the hull. FAI STUDIOS Announces New Film DAYS OF NOAH - PR Newswire First, I want to apologize that I cant share this story with you face-to-face. What Alexandra said is true, come out in obedience to the revealed word of God and stay faithful to the Lord Jesus Christ. He denied saying that she was unremorseful and unrepentant and further denied framing her as a seductress. We fully believe that the reason the Father told us to stop giving to FAI a couple months ago is linked to this. The mercy of God is too sweet to think that He would not honor the full effort of restoring and prioritizing family health at the momentary cost of ministry activity. Version 6.1.7 - Bug fixes and performance improvements - Media improvements. Download Frontier Alliance Intl and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. First, FAI leadership had no intentions of bringing Dalton and Anna home after the second affair, saying they will either live in Israel or Erbil. Second, they already knew that the organization didnt exist functionally; Keith even mentioned, Im technically I guess Im on the board, but weve never had a meeting and that FAI is not an organization with any kind of structure. Third, they were convinced that the organization would turn over a new leaf and restructure so that Dalton could have a staff, providing time for him and Anna to heal. This wasnt an affront to me, but an affront to Susanna to share information with her network of relationships in Iraq without letting her know or giving her a voice. I believe that Dalton, Anna, and the FAI board would vouch for the success of Dalton and Annas restoration process, the health of their marriage, and the health of the organization. I walked over to our village office and apologized to him face-to-face. Just wanted to thank you guys for helping with this struggle. They were willing to stop their mission work and live ordinary lives here in the USA. Built in the spirit of Hudson Taylor's China Inland Mission, Frontier Alliance International (FAI) is a strategic Christian ministry organization in the Middle East and 10/40 Window working among unreached people groups. We will never ever divide from any of the parties involved in this dispute. Thanks for having the courage of your convictions, Seamus, and being willing to comment. Built in the spirit of Hudson Taylor's China Inland Mission, Frontier Alliance International (FAI) is a strategic Christian ministry organization in the Middle East and 10/40 Window working among unreached people groups. Paul writes these things in 1 Timothy 3, so that you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of the truth. If they are within the universal Church, then they should be accountable to these standards of leadership. Dalton and Anna relied on Keith as a voice of wisdom so I wanted to make sure that he knew the full scope of what had happened so he would hopefully intervene, help quench the deception around what happened, and be a voice of reason.

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frontier alliance international scandal