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"I was sort of the party starter of Merrill Lynch," he said in an interview in 2009. Finally, freelance photographer Rich McCormack, who documented the fifteenth anniversary event of 9/11, took pictures of the beams of light shone upward as part of the tribute. In recent weeks, The New York Times sought to interview Ms. Head about her experiences on 9/11 because she had, in other settings, presented a poignant account of survival and loss. As for her educational background, she has told people that she has an undergraduate degree from Harvard and a graduate business degree from Stanford, though officials at both universities said they could not find records of a student by her name. Tania Head, as she was now calling herself, became a prominent member of Bogaczs group, and by 2005 she was delivering talks at universities about her experiences and leading tours for the Tribute WTC visitor center. 2023 Vox Media, LLC. From the Republican Herald, Staff Writer Rory Schuler (Schuler, a Schuylkill Haven native, is a reporter.) But Mr. Crowther, who is believed to have worn a red bandanna that day, did not escape himself. "Oh, Christ," his interviewer, the podcast host Marc Maron, interjected. The fourth plane, United Airlines Flight 93, came down in a field in Pennsylvania after the passengers overpowered the hijackers, ultimately sacrificing themselves to prevent greater loss of life. As the brother and sister depart, the barn catches fire, due to some old and frayed electrical cable. For many New Yorkers, it was just a feel-good piece, but for New York Times journalists David W Dunlap and Serge F Kovaleski, it felt bizarre. Daily News via Getty Images Tania claimed she had been chairing a meeting on the 78th floor of the South Tower when the first plane struck the North Tower at 8:46am. Tania Head's story was one of 9/11's most haunting tales - but the Always intended to be a parable about caring for the old, it was revived into a true story sometime around 2005 and is often attributed to be the account of the equally fictitious Eunice Day. Few of the survivors were willing to question Head when the occasional inconsistency appeared in her story, like when she referred to the man who died in the north tower as her husband to some people and her fiance to others. Several people said she had told them that the official wedding was to be held in October 2001 in New York City, but that the couple had already begun to live together on the East Side with their golden retriever, Elvis. The piece is actually a re-working of a poem by Cheryl Costello-Forshey, first published in 2000. Six years after shed cast herself as the most perfect living victim of 9/11, Head was unmasked in a New York Times expos.

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