what is the disgusting thing that causes desolationisabel refugee conflict

And they shall set up the abomination that makes desolate (11:31). And perhaps the most conspicuous deficiency in the Watchtowers interpretation is the fact that Jesus forewarned his disciples of a massive deception aimed at misleading them. It will bring to an end the total present-day system of things. The problem is how much time intervenes between the tribulation of those days and the vivid symbolisms of Mt 24 verse29. . Given the similar content and wording of the prophecies of Daniel it should be evident to the discerning reader that the holy place that is destined to come to desolation . Then we analyze the structure of the passage and do the necessary lexical and grammatical work. Mark substitutes this for "in the holy place" of St. Matthew. Such disgusting things evidently refer, not to idolatrous objects, but to things generally unclean or repulsive, as dirt and filth, thereby making the rapacious city despicable in the eyes of all. Jehovahs Witnesses are well aware that the disgusting thing originally appeared in the form of the Roman armies, which was foretold in the 9th chapter of Daniel. (a)What other gathering under angelic guidance has been going on since 1935C.E.? The words "spoken of by Daniel the prophet" are omitted in many of the best MSS. (Most modern translations use the term abomination, rather than disgusting thing. For comparison check out Bible Hub). 25 What, though, about the remnant of Gods chosen ones on whose account the days of the approaching great tribulation will be cut short in order for some flesh to be saved by not having too long a tribulation? (a)Why in this time of the end is the disgusting thing that causes desolation not the military people of the Roman Empire? Soldiers even began undermining the wall of the temple to get at the militant zealots who were holed up in it. An outstanding feature of Jesus' answer was his mention of Daniel's prophecy about " the disgusting thing that causes desolation" and that would 'stand in a holy place.' ( Matt. Not only were the United States and the British Empire the principal creators of the United Nations Organization during the Second World War, but they will force the nations to accept the United Nations as a world government in the future. Then, in 24:36, Jesus starts to speak exclusively about that daythat is, the last day. This bad condition and heart attitude led to their monumental act of rebellion in rejecting Gods own Son, and Jesus showed that this would bring certain destruction upon them.Mt 21:33-41; Lu 19:41-44. However, there are still a number of serious problems with Bethels latest, revised interpretation foremost being, that the eighth king, symbolized by the scarlet-colored wild beast from the abyss regardless of what agency ultimately fulfills the role has not begun ruling for the prophesied one hour., However, for the reason previously stated it simply cannot be true that the U.N. is presently in the role of the image the idol brought to life by the resuscitated beast. Ezekiel 44:9 Thus saith the Lord GOD; No stranger, uncircumcised in heart, nor uncircumcised in flesh, shall enter into my sanctuary, of any stranger that is among the children of Israel. No, even though they may love still the various non-Christian religious elements of Babylon the Great. Matthew 13:51 Jesus saith unto them, Have ye understood all these things? Disgusting Things Leading to Desolation. Daniels prophecy foretold disgusting things associated with desolation. 5,6. Help train Christians to boldly share the good news of Jesus Christ in a way that clearly communicates to this secular age. As regards the proper identification of the they who put in place the disgusting thing, we must look to the 13th chapter of Revelation, where we are informed that a two-horned beast will ascend from the bowels of the earth and authoritatively speak as a dragon commanding that an image of the seven-headed beast be made, which then comes to life.

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what is the disgusting thing that causes desolation