why did jesus forgive peter and not judasisabel refugee conflict

window.__mirage2 = {petok:"0uAqUXGl4CBinbyRJrBR1sKkYsyafZoszcltF_gFMic-3600-0"}; (NIV), Acts 10:34-35 Then Peter began to speak: "I now realize how true it is that God does not show favoritism but accepts men from every nation who fear him and do what is right." Halton, Thomas Patrick. And it is Satan, not Jesus, who berates us with our failings til we are stuck in prideful despair. The Difference Between Judas and Peter The intercession of our Great High Priest is the foundation for our confidence when it comes to our perseverance. Why was Peter forgiven but Judas not forgiven? But not all of them will be born again. Judas left and hanged himself. He told them to stay awake and pray while He went off to pray alone. As only God can judge hearts, we cannot know whether Judas was impenitent to his very death, but we can know that he did not demonstrate the heroic virtue of Peter, who repented his betrayal of Christ rather than allow despair to consume him. The difference lies in this only: Peter trusted in God's mercy - Judas did not. However, I can tell you this: For they know not what they do did not apply to Judas! On Illustrious Men. Things that we thought might take Years and years to change are changing so quickly. Often, however, he spoke before he thought, and his words led to embarrassment. As despicable as this act was, it did not lead to Judas' tragic demise. Zavada, Jack. Judas made no effort to deal with his flaws: he preferred to be seen as a disciple of Jesus than one that truly loved Him. But even if we were to grant that Jesus did in fact go to Hades, He did not go there as a victim. Its a destructive doctrine. Now, its a sin that in some ways is understandable. The Holy Spirit gave insight to Peter about the true nature of Jesus. God you could even say the Triune God dwelling in us by the presence of the Holy Spirit in us. Jesus final words to Judas were What you are going to do, do quickly (John 13:27). It could be our own story which end will we choose? Why was Judas not forgiven? Peter Learned Forgiveness From Jesus | True Faith Both Peter and Judas were disciples of Jesus and they followed Him for the three and half years He went about preaching the Good News. First of all, lets just understand here that it was a remarkable thing for Jesus to say those words. In difference from Judas, Peter had the repentance, for his pang of conscience for three-times in row treason of Jesus (Luke 22:54-62) was accompanied in him and even eclipsed by his full confidence that Jesus will forgive him. At the same time, Jesus did not be become a sinner on the cross, because his bearing of sin is standing in our place as our substitute our propitiation that was the most holy Act of sacrificial love that the world has ever seen.

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why did jesus forgive peter and not judas